How did the top 100 UK law firms’ leadership teams perform on LinkedIn?

Q1 2024

This quarterly report celebrates the voices of the UK’s law firm leaders.

Some firms have leaders who use LinkedIn (mainly) to issue communications. This has developed over over the past five years, especially during the pandemic when some leaders used their social channels to back up their internal communications channels.

But here’s the thing, for those firms who don’t have a leadership team that’s fully engaged in using this platform as part of their public relations strategy, it’s a lot harder to convince the remaining partners to get active on there.

Problem is that those partners really do need to be active on there in 2024 (and beyond) in order to remain front of mind with their networks. All their clients and intermediaries, referrers and competitors are on there.

So the sticking point at the moment is often that leadership has yet to fully adopt using LinkedIn as a regular communication channel. Only 75 of the top 100 law firms’ Managing and Senior Partners are covered in our report. A Huge opportunity awaits for those willing to dip their toe.

We’re adding in the next 100 firms the next time we do this report to show quite how many more Managing and Senior Partners at challenger firms are already using this platform. Food for thought.

Congratulations to Trevor Sterling who tops our charts this time around. I hope that you find his case study useful in your own considerations of how and when to use LinkedIn as a law firm leader.

The methodology and how it's evolving

Who's in the list?

For all the UK’s top 100 firms, we track the LinkedIn posts of both the Managing and Senior Partners. Where they have a CEO or similar instead of a Managing Partner, we include that individual.

How do we calculate the scores?

We find all their posts and then calculate a score for each leader as follows:

  • We use a sum of total likes + (4*total comments) to create a power score for each post.

  • We tot up the power scores for posts for each person and come up with two scores: total power score and average power score per post.

  • The qualifying period for this report is 1 January to 31 March.

What's going to change going forwards?

We’re going to expand our list to include leadership from all top 200 UK law firms. We’ll include anyone in the two great roles. But you can expect to see smaller firms whose management teams often punch well above their weight featuring on the list next time, because that is a reflection of what’s happening in the market.

What about independent firms and start ups?

They’ll have their own report to be published in the coming weeks and months. But they can use this report to ensure that they are competing with the leaders of much larger firms (NB larger firms, they are often well ahead of you as their independent, challenger status is quite possibly a huge plus when it comes to posting publicly.)

Top 200 leaders ranked by Power Score

Average Power Score per leader

Best post of the quarter

Top 10 posts by Power Score

Top 10 leadership teams by Power Score

Q&A's with...

Trevor Sterling

Senior Partner

Moore Barlow

Alison Eddy

London Managing Partner

Irwin Mitchell

Should you be ranked in our Top 100?

The report includes a link to a calculator where you can work out whether you should be included in our Top 100. 

It’s for anyone who wants to know where they’d score against the industry – but leaders are automatically in our report.

If you score anything over 1,000, please do drop us a line and we may include you in our future rankings.

Download the Q1 2024 edition of the Leaders Linkedinfluencer report.

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