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Q2 2024

Website Carbon Emissions Report

Welcome to the second edition of our Website Carbon Emissions Report for law firms.

The first edition – published in Q1 2024 – captured the imagination of quite a few law firms and their web agencies. We hope that this momentum will continue with the publication of this second edition as we collectively aim for net zero.


We based our top 200 UK law firm list on The Lawyer’s top 200.

We then analysed each firm’s main domain home page to establish their carbon findings using

We used the main domain to get estimated website volumes from Employee numbers are taken from LinkedIn (NB not all employees admit to working for your firm).


One firm (CMS, inevitably) blocks AHREFS, so we have estimated its traffic based on its competitor group.

We then analysed each firm’s main domain home page to establish their carbon findings using

Allen & Overy moved on LinkedIn to A&O Shearman, which means that its employee figures may rise further as more people add themselves to the new account.

If you’re in the top 200 and want to know how you rank against your competitor group, please email us and we’ll create you a tailored report (there’s a small fee).

If you’re not in the top 200 firms and would like us to evaluate your firm, please email us and we’ll include you (there’s a small fee).

416.2TWh Consumption

That's how much electricity the internet consumes on an annual basis - that's more electricity than the entire United Kingdom.

Compress Everything

Compressing files on your website such as images, videos and code will save space and energy consumption.

Sustainable Hosting

Try to opt for a. sustainable hosting provider that uses green energy to power their data centres and server rooms.

Search Engines

Google have stated that every search query translates to around 0.2g of carbon dioxide.

SEO Rankings

Google favours fast-loading websites, so having a lightweight website may make it easier for you to reach your audience.

Website Emissions

Websites produce on average around 60kg of carbon emissions every year, roughly the same as standard car driving 270 miles.

Download our Website Carbon Emissions Report - Q2 2024

Every website has a carbon footprint. What’s yours?

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