Barristers Linkedinfluencers

Rather than skirt around the question which always comes up in our LinkedIn training sessions (“Yes, but can you show us the best law firm users of LinkedIn?”), I have created this new report which celebrates the best use of this amazing platform by barristers and those who work in chambers.

The report focuses on the performance of the top ten individuals according to a few key metrics: average likes and comments, total likes and comments, post rank (i.e., how well does this post’s performance compare to others’ on this list), and an overall ranking.

That ranking isn’t definitive – and it’s likely to change each month. But the lessons for others who work in the legal sector and who want to see how great creators perform, what they do well, and what they might do to emulate them is something that is partly covered in this report and then covered in depth in our LinkedIn training sessions.

I hope you find this report useful and that you’ll consider using it to train your people how to get the most out of this unique platform.

The methodology

The Legal LinkedInfluencers list is open to anyone who wants to submit their profile as long as they work at a chambers.

Excluded: Law Firm Managing Partners and Senior Partners, CEOs, Lawyers at non-UK firms, and Founders of law firms.

Top 10 by Overall Ranking

Average Likes Per Post

Average Comments Per Post

Average Post Rank

Total Likes

Total Comments

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Barristers Linkedinfluencers

Download the Top 10 Linkedin Influencers: Barrister edition now

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