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Why do you need a brief when working with an agency

marketing campaign

A brief is an essential part of any successful marketing campaign, especially when working with an agency. Working with an agency is more than just giving them a list of tasks and expecting them to deliver a successful result.

A clear brief serves as an outline for the project and helps ensure that everyone involved is on the same page, with a shared understanding of the objectives and expectations. It provides the agency with an in-depth understanding of the goals you wish to set, the target audience you’d like to reach, and any other specific expectations to ensure your law marketing campaigns are successful.

However, most law firms don’t know how to provide these details helpfully and understandably to an agency. This blog post will cover what a brief is, and explain why giving agencies an in-depth briefing is essential before starting any project.

What is a brief?

Put simply, a brief is a document that outlines the goals and objectives of your campaign, providing an overview of the project complete with critical information and instructions. When creating a brief for agencies, it should contain all the necessary details they need to understand the direction of your law marketing campaigns.

Think of it like this: when you’re cooking a meal, having all the ingredients in front of you makes the process much easier and ensures success. The same principle applies to agency briefs. Ensure that all essential aspects are laid out in one place, so there’s no ambiguity about your expectations.

A typical agency brief includes information on the following:

  • Project goals
  • Target audience
  • Timeframe
  • Budget
  • Other relevant details

Having all this in one place will help agencies understand their mission quickly and accurately.

Why do agencies need a brief?

Agency briefs confirm that both parties have a shared understanding of the project before any work begins. This helps keep everyone on the same page and reduces potential misunderstandings or disagreements.

Giving your agency an in-depth briefing benefits everyone in law marketing campaigns. Investing time in this briefing will pay dividends, not least in terms of the quality of the work produced but also the satisfaction of all involved in the project.

How agencies use a brief

Once they have received a brief, agencies can use it to form a plan of attack.

They should develop an understanding of how they will approach the project and identify any potential gaps in knowledge or areas where more research is needed.

Agencies will also use the briefing document as a reference point throughout the life cycle of law marketing campaigns. This ensures that everyone remains on track and avoids any costly mistakes that could occur by not following your instructions.

By having a clear and detailed overview of the challenge at hand, agencies can create an effective plan to take the project to completion, ensuring that the end result is satisfactory and efficient. A successful brief will enable agencies to deliver projects that exceed expectations and allow you to make the most out of your law marketing campaigns.

Benefits of briefing an agency

If you’re still not convinced about the value that briefs bring, here are some of the benefits you can expect to receive:

Clarity of expectations

By briefing an agency, you lay the foundations for a successful collaboration by ensuring everyone is on the same page and understands what needs to be done. This makes it easier for both parties to agree on how the project should be handled, as well as streamlining communication throughout the process. With everyone focused on achieving the desired outcome, you can be sure of a positive, productive partnership.

Improved efficiency and effectiveness

Without an established roadmap or plan, work can become disorganised as multiple components are haphazardly put together at different times.

Miscommunication and errors can arise from this unstructured approach that could have been avoided if there had been an initial understanding of what was expected from each party.

By briefing your agency upfront, you can streamline communication and ensure everyone knows the deadlines and goals from day one.

More control over the project scope

Briefing also gives you more control over the project scope. You can provide details about what elements need to be included in the project so that nothing gets missed or left out. This allows you to focus on specific areas instead of figuring out where everything fits into the grand scheme later.

It also enables both parties to understand what resources are needed for each task so that neither side is overwhelmed with too much responsibility or too little support. 

Enhanced collaboration

Finally, briefing an agency encourages enhanced collaboration between all stakeholders involved in a project.

Working together as a team allows everyone to bring their strengths to create something extraordinary for your law firm’s brand visibility and reputation online. This helps ensure everyone is working towards a common goal, leading to better results overall!

What’s a good example of a brief?

One good example of an agency brief is Coca-Cola’s creative brief. This brief is detailed but straightforward enough to understand its purpose and focus quickly.

It includes information on the following:

  • Business objective
  • Equity
  • Target audience
  • Audience behaviour
  • Strategy and campaign ideas

This brevity helps agencies stay focused on what’s important without getting bogged down in too many details that don’t add anything meaningful to their work.

Final thoughts

Most law firms think that collaborating with an agency works like magic. And, for the most part, it does! However, it is vital that you do your legwork to get the best results.

By providing a clear and concise brief, you can ensure that all parties are on the same page and that everyone is well-informed about what needs to be done. Agencies will be able to focus their efforts on areas where they know they can deliver results, while avoiding wasted time on tasks that may not directly contribute towards meeting the overall goals of the project. This will help make sure that your law firm’s marketing campaigns succeed!

Contact us today if you need help creating your brief, or even starting or improving your law firm marketing campaign. We are here to help you every step of the way!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will a brief help with my law marketing campaign?

Absolutely. Briefs provide clarity of expectations and help ensure everyone is on the same page from day one. This helps streamline communication between all stakeholders, preventing any mistakes or miscommunications.

Can you help me with my law marketing campaign?

Yes. Our agency specialises in law marketing campaigns, and we would love to help you. We have years of experience working with law firms and agencies, so we know exactly what it takes to make your campaign a success.

We can even help you with your brief if you need it.

What are the costs involved?

We employ a tiered pricing structure for law marketing campaigns. Depending on the scope of your project, we can work with you to create a package that fits your budget and needs.

We’ll always strive to be as cost-effective as possible while delivering quality results!

TBD is an agency that helps marketing, recruitment and management teams to successfully position law firms in the UK market and beyond. If you have any queries, please get in touch:

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