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Reputation management experts available for comment

Reputation management

We have some of the UK’s leading reputation management experts available for comment and media work. If you’d like to interview someone who can speak about any pressing issue in reputation management, who’s good at keeping up with the news, who has worked in the media and deals with them every day, who acts for the great and the good, but also speaks plain English, then please get in touch.

Our reputation management experts have been regularly quoted in the broadsheets (FT, Times, Guardian and Daily Telegraph ), trade press (insurance and risk, financial, legal, accountancy, PR and marketing, and technology titles) as well as providing background and interviews for radio and television.

Our contacts can cover the following areas:

Reputation management

What should companies and organisations do to prepare for a crisis? What kinds of issues will they be thinking about in the middle of this crisis? Who will be advising them? What kinds of questions will they be considering? What is the lifespan of a crisis? What can an organisation do to end a crisis? Will a ledare lose thier job?

What kinds of issues escalate to become a crisis?

How do companies deal with cybercrimes or data breaches? How do companies deal with regulatory or criminal investigations? What steps can they take to support the individuals involved whilst protecting the brand?

Defamation, libel and parliamentary privilege

What can companies and individuals do to protect their reputations? Have we seen the end of the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)? How should organisations deal with an MP who names their leaders using parliamentary privilege? Is litigation the main course of action for anyone whose reputation has been affected? How do I get an apology in a newspaper? How do I get someone to take something offensive about me down from their social media or website?

What can I do about others impersonating me?

What are deepfakes? How do others impersonate me online? What can I do about someone illegally pretending to be me online?

Next steps

If you’d like someone to provide insightful media comment on reputation management issues, then please call Simon Marshall on 0117 2872099 (24hr) and he will arrange a call/interview.

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